Mr. Don’t Lie to me

So this story, this story is the story I’m most ashamed to share. It’s a bit of a confession too but the person that owns the confession won’t read it anyway, because he doesn’t read anything I write. That’s good…? I met Emeka online, on a dating app. One of the question prompts on myContinue reading “Mr. Don’t Lie to me”

Drinks and back home.

*Contains sexual/adult content. At the start of the evening, I hadn’t anticipated it ending this way. How could I have? I had expected to go out, have a few drinks, say a few Heys and be on my way, but no. I had gone out quite alright, I’d had the drinks, I’d said the HeysContinue reading “Drinks and back home.”

My Heartbreak

Men are wicked. There is no other way that I can think to describe what is happening between me and this young man other than his being wicked. There’s also the fact that I’m being stupid, stupid in love but I love love. I love being in love, I love being loved, I love seeingContinue reading “My Heartbreak”

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